#1.Type of Website

One of the first decisions you must make when you are building a new website is what type of site do I need.
The most popular types include:


    1. Static Sites

Static Sites are single page sites that are primarily used for promoting a product, event, or an idea.
The average time to create is 3-10 days.

    2. Gallery Sites

These sites are great for photographers, artists, or collectors needing to showcase their work.
They are also nice sites for individuals who would like to post family pictures. The average time to create one is 3-10 days.

    3. Blog Site

A blog is an interactive site that promotes interaction and with your visitors and is great to discuss topics and provide information. The average time to create is 3-10 days.

    4. Traditional Site

This type of site is perfect for most businesses large and small. They will usually contain 5-10 pages of information but can have an almost endless number of pages and can also be used for selling a few products. Average time to create is 3-10 days.

    5. E-Commerce Sites

These would be classified as shopping or store sites. They can also be created in 3-10 days, but taking pictures, photo editing and posting products to the site can be time consuming making this type of site the longest to create.

    6. Custom Interactive Websites

If you can dream we can make it.

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